Main supporters:

Kinderdörfer in Litauen e.V. from Germany has been one of our major supporters since the village has been built. Helping children in Eastern Europe was Verena Nacke´s goal in 1997 when she first met Monsignore Kaslauskas, the founder of Vaiko Teviskes Namai. Out of this initiative grew „Kinderdörfer in Litauen e.V.“, a private non-profit charity that has more than 300 supporters. The organization has contributed major funds to build and maintain our houses, build the current playground and implement several infrastructure projects. Through „Kinderdörfer in Litauen“ more than 70 of our children have foster parents in Germany and Switzerland. They contribute a fixed amount every month to support their foster child and keep personal contact to them. Some oft the foster parents even visit our village once in a while. Kinderdörfer in Litauen e. V. also sponsors our educational program and is providing financial aid to improve the health situation of our children.

Kinderdorfer in Litauen e.V. managing team
From the left standing: Sussane Welch-Lehmann, Ursula Nemmert, Ingrid Debald, Martin Lenk, Britta Hofmann, Otmar Debald.
From the left sitting: Klaus Bausch and Verena Nacke.

The team of Kinderdörfer in Litauen is led by Otmar Debald, who took over from Verena Nacke recently. Otmar is a Managing Director at Procter & Gamble in Germany. Together with Verena Nacke and a team of 6 Board members they are very active supporters of our village. We are very thankful for their help and their passion.

Kinderdörfer in Litauen e.V. has it's own web page in Germany. Please go to If you are interested in supporting us through Kinderdörfer in Litauen, please contact Contributions through this organization are tax deductible in Germany.